Supporting Membership
6 Month Payment Plan

$0.00 / month for 6 months

*This payment option has been put on hold during  transition to retail operations*

If you love what we are doing yet won’t necessarily shop at the store, purchase a Supporter Membership to offset the cost of qualifying neighborhood memberships. Purchase your supporter share with a capital contribution of at least $15 per month for six months.

(When an individual qualifies for a $10 membership, we use supporter funds to chip in the other $90 so that every member-owner receives the same lifetime membership benefits.)

Supporter member shares are non-voting, do not receive a patronage dividend, and must be a resident or organization of Ohio.

Would you like to make your capital contribution in one lump sum? Check out our Supporting Membership Plan.

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Open 7-Days a week 7AM - 9PM 324 Salem Avenue

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